GGGI News - May 2023

GGGI Newsletter - May 2023


Dear GGGI Members,

We hope that this latest newsletter finds you filled with the same optimism and motivation that our team is feeling as we continue our signature projects and start new endeavors during this season of growth. 

The GGGI team continues to make connections with world leaders, private sector partners, and NGOs that share our goals to reduce the impact of ALDFG around the world. We continue to pursue our goal of having ALDFG included in the Internationally Legally Binding Instrument (ILBI, also known as the “plastics treaty”) that will be discussed specifically at the second session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-2) that will take place in Paris this month. 

With updates on the U.S. Mexico Canada Agreement (USMCA) workshop in Mexico City, the Our Ocean Conference in Panama, the Maine Fisherman's Forum in Rockport,  and the virtual Caribbean Workshop, our May newsletter is quite full,  just like the schedules of the GGGI team!

The GGGI community draws strength from the success of its members: if you have news you’d like shared in a future edition of the newsletter, please send it to our GGGI Coordinator, Laura Walker at If you know someone who might like to hear future news from us, ask them to subscribe!


GGGI "Let's Talk Ghost Gear" Webinar Series: SIDS, coming in May 2023

Our next webinar, taking place in late May, will be focused on Small Island Developing States (SIDS). As with our last successful webinar, we will hear from GGGI members speaking on their efforts to address the issue of ghost gear in the Caribbean and Pacific and Atlantic SIDS, which tend to be disproportionately affected by ghost gear . followed by a panel discussion facilitated by GGGI. Our purpose is to hold a general discussion where members can connect, ask questions and show support for work being done throughout the collective. Stay tuned and be sure to follow our YouTube Channel where we will post all webinars in the series moving forward.

GGGI Connects With Ocean Advocates at Our Ocean Conference in Panama


In March, GGGI’s Hannah Pragnell-Raasch attended the 8th Our Ocean Conference (OOC) hosted by Panama – one of the first countries to join the GGGI in 2017. We continued negotiations to advance the management of ALDFG locally, regionally and internationally and spearheaded discussions with governments to highlight the unique opportunity for ALDFG to be specifically included in the ILBI. Joining an expert panel, we participated in a side event discussing the Impact of Fishing Gear on Coastal Communities and further galvanised our partnership with the Panamanian government, signing a Memorandum of Understanding to advance action to address, and proactively manage, ALDFG nationally. Additionally, we co-hosted a dive retrieval off Taboguilla Island with the Aquatic Resource Authority of Panama (ARAP) removing over 110lbs of lost fishing net from the ocean.

Find out more here.
And here.
And here!
GGGI and INC2 in Paris


Both GGGI Associate Director Joel Baziuk and GGGI Policy Specialist Hannah Pragnell-Raasch will be on the ground in Paris for the second meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-2) for the Intergovernmental Legally Binding Instrument to End Plastic Pollution (ILBI, better known as the “plastics treaty”) which will be taking place May 29 – June 2 in Paris, France.

One of our main goals at INC-2 will be to advocate for the inclusion of specific language around ghost gear and end of life fishing gear in the “zero draft” of the ILBI. To this end, we have prepared a white paper outlining the GGGI leadership’s position - specifically proposing that one of the core obligations to be considered by the committee for inclusion in the ILBI should be the reduction of abandoned, lost, or otherwise discarded fishing gear (ALDFG), commonly known as “ghost gear.” As such, the document also outlines a series of specific voluntary approaches and binding control measures to prevent, mitigate and remediate the impacts of ALDFG in capture fisheries and aquaculture systems. Note, this white paper represents GGGI’s opinions as an organization and does not necessarily reflect the opinions or recommendations of the GGGI membership or its supporting governments.

Additionally, we are co-organizing an unofficial side event on the margins of the INC-2 negotiations with the World Bank/PROBLUE and other partners, and also working to possibly help co-organize and speak at an official side event on Thursday June 1st on ghost gear and mooring ropes in the context of the ILBI. We’ll have more to report on INC-2 in the coming months as the process moves forward.

Click here to see the GGGI white paper for INC2
GGGI Participates in Strategic Discussions with Partners at USMCA Workshop in Mexico City

On March 1-2 GGGI Project Specialist Claudia Cecilia Olimon presented at the United States Mexico Canada Agreement (USMCA) workshop in Mexico City. The workshop was focused on ongoing efforts to mitigate marine litter and ghost gear in Mexico. The workshop, organized by the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Marine Debris Program (NOAA MDP), was attended by over 70 participants including 16 NGOs, government officials from the U.S. and Mexico, and GGGI North American Net Collection Initiative (NANCI) project partners; Parley, WWF Mexico, Manta Caribbean Project, WildCoast, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Mexico. The meeting was focused on the importance of partnership and collaboration under the USMCA. Workshop participants also emphasized the importance of local community engagement and outreach to share strategies for ALDFG mitigation efforts. 

Find out more here.
Ocean Conservancy Hosts Free Grant Writing Workshop Series

Ocean Conservancy held a free workshop series to help potential grantees learn more about writing successful grant applications. The workshops were held on March 21-23 2023, but were recorded so that they could be used by future applicants. We encourage all applicants to our small grants program and Joanna Tool Award to access this workshop series free of charge.  

Find a recording of the workshop here
Satlink and Tangaroa Blue Launch Project ReCon to Collect and Repurpose Echosounder Buoys in Australia

GGGI member and technology company Satlink launched its Project ReCon, a pioneer circular economy program that aims to give second life to Devices for Sustainable Fishing (DSF), and specifically to echosounder buoys, used in tropical purse seine tuna fishing. In order to prevent drifting buoys from being beached and becoming technological waste, Satlink is leading a worldwide collaborative network of local partners to collect these devices and refurbish them for new uses, giving them a second life for scientific and environmental purposes. Project ReCon takes its first steps in Australia, where Satlink's team has been working with Tangaroa Blue Foundation, Australian NGO, fellow GGGI member, and founder of the Australian Marine Debris Initiative.

Find out more here.
More GGGI News

  • The problem of ghost nets is widespread in the south of France, where scientists and divers often come to the rescue to remove abandoned fishing gear.  Lost at Sea takes a deep dive into the issue with this video and article by Valerie Dekimp, Pierre Lemarinier, Elise Duffau, and Marina Bertsch. View the video and article here.
  • A Halifax startup is testing out new technology aimed at helping the fishing industry recover lost lobster traps and other fishing gear that can be deadly to marine life. Learn more here. 
  • Healthy Seas won in the Best Environmental Film Category for it's short documentary, "Journey to Ithaca" at the Cannes World Film Festival. Directed by Michael Westreicher, the 15-minute film tells the story of the biggest cleanup to date by Healthy Seas and it's partners. Read more here. 
 To End With, We're Delighted to Share That The GGGI Team is Growing!

And growing... and growing! Congratulations to GGGI team members Ingrid Giskes, Jackie McGarry, and Sara Pfeifer on their new arrivals! These little ocean advocates were all born within a few months of each other, and we anticipate some triple birthday parties in the future! 

Please join us in welcoming our new junior members to the team!
Welcome to our new GGGI Members

The GGGI continues to grow stronger - a warm welcome to new members Starkist and Whale and Dolphin Conservation.

We Want To Hear From You!
We're always looking to promote the various stories and successes of our GGGI Participants! If you have something ghost gear related that you would like us to put in our newsletter, please email GGGI.

Thanks so much for your support for the GGGI!
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